As the old saying goes, charity begins at home. But why not let it continue at the workplace?
A recent study by employee engagement consultancy LeapCR caught my eye when it found that almost half of UK workers claimed they were more likely to stay with an employer that allowed them to carry out charity work during office hours. Even more surprisingly, one in 10 people said they would take a ‘significant’ pay cut to stay with an employer who encouraged charity amongst staff.
Personally, I cannot fathom as to why an employer would stop anyone from carrying out charity work under the company name. The personal development benefits to workers are clear; through charitable work they can learn new skills, bond with colleagues and help to boost overall morale in the office.
Allowing employees to volunteer for charity work also keeps them busy and motivated if times are a bit quiet for your business whilst also drawing an association between the company brand and a charity. Numerous companies have seen business bloom after having untapped market segments opened up by their charitable links reflecting positively upon them.
Despite this, the charities themselves should not be forgotten. The charitable, or the ‘third’ sector, is experiencing a financial squeeze at the moment and every assistance, no matter how small, is appreciated. Payroll giving can be an easy way to do this – and it’s tax efficient for both the employer and the charity! A hundred employees giving just £5 a month can make a significant difference to a small local charity like the Nerve Centre. After all, we need to look after charities because we never know when we might need them to look after us or our loved ones.