Amanda Vigar, Managing Partner, V&A Bell Brown LLP
At the end of 2014, the Institute of Chartered Accountants
surveyed a large number of its tax practitioner members. Over a third of us felt that HMRC’s
performance had declined and over 50% felt it hadn’t changed. The handful that
felt it had improved either don’t deal with HMRC very often or have even worse
experiences in the past than we have!
The biggest frustration reported is, surprise, surprise: HMRC’s
inability to get things right first time.
How many apologies have we heard that they’ve sent out batches of
thousands of incorrect or inaccurate letters?
And isn’t it strange that the “errors” always seem to work in HMRC’s
favour? I’ve lost track of how often they allocate payments to wrong years or
have wrong information about clients – for example counting the same income in
two different years or sending out demands for payment in relation to periods
before a company was even formed.
Sorting out these issues costs us and HMRC time and, therefore,
taxpayers’ (read clients’) money to do this – and it’s simply not necessary!
You can add the costs of: the time we spend on hold on the phone
waiting for a response only to be told to ring back another time; the cost of
faxing/posting documents because HMRC in the main doesn’t accept or send
emails; and the lack of certainty about a taxpayer’s position because of the
sheer length of time HMRC can take to respond to correspondence (if in deed
they do at all).
The ICAEW tax faculty are of the opinion that HMRC is being
starved of resources. Our view is that penny pinching coupled with a dogmatic
belief that every taxpayer is trying to “pull a fast one” are costing HMRC dear
now and in the long run. The public
needs to have confidence that they get the right answers and they get them when
they need them.
As this is election year, I will be looking kindly on whichever
party puts forward a commitment to an HMRC Service Covenant – one which puts
experienced staff back on the front line who can actually answer queries and
which has real teeth when HMRC fail.
That covenant would also make HMRC accountable for the extra
administrative costs they inflict on taxpayers.
It would drag the organisation into the 20th (and no, that’s not a typo) century in terms of communicating with the people they are supposed to be there to serve – and even, maybe, us accountants.
Alternatively, how about a party (beyond our friends in the
Monster Raving Loonies) being brave enough to suggest we should put our tax
collection system out to tender or introducing some of the consumer choice and
competition that they talk about so enthusiastically elsewhere in our society?
It would drag the organisation into the 20th (and no, that’s not a typo) century in terms of communicating with the people they are supposed to be there to serve – and even, maybe, us accountants.
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