Thursday, 1 February 2018

Taxman must get his house in order; It's the same old story from HM Revenue & Customs

“Christmas Eve: 6,033.  Tick. Christmas Day: 2,590, Tick! Boxing Day: 7,655.  Tick!!” The BattleAxe looked up triumphant.  “Just as I thought, the record numbers filing their tax returns over the holidays correspond exactly with when WE were in the office!” The Chief Elf nodded wistfully recalling a Christmas dinner of cold sausage and stuffing sarnies as returns flowed down the line. “Mind you,” the BattleAxe grumbled pointedly, “it was about the only three days in the last two years when HMRC’s systems have actually worked properly!”

Those systems have been the bane of the Chief Elf’s life (not to mention other inhabitants of BattleAxe Towers) for way, way too long.

Back in January 2016, I wrote about how HMRC needed to get itself properly fit and into shape.  But like so many a New Year resolutionists, they seem to have been back-sliding and it seems that things are getting worse rather than better.

So, yet again, here I am back to chastise!   

Remember, HMRC has a monopoly. We can’t go anywhere else to do our taxes despite their dire service.  What have they done wrong now? Well, the ICAEW called them ‘Self-Assessment Glitches’such as:

·       Errors in self-assessment calculations;
·       Errors in capital gains tax figures;
·       Incorrect adjustments for marriage allowance;
·       Pre-population within third party software unavailable, or incomplete or incorrect (one poor taxpayer was shown income on his tax return but none of the tax already deducted);
·       Incorrect NI calculations – some people may miss out on their pension as a result of this;
·       Self-Assessment statements missing or delayed; and
·       Payments on account not being shown at all.

Oh yes, and in the middle of January, HMRC took down the Self-Assessment data link for accountants and we had to re-authenticate ourselves to get back in.

As I’ve said many times before, if the private sector provided such a dreadful service, customers would vote with their feet and find a better supplier and HMRC would no longer exist – pause for blissful smile on the BattleAxe’s countenance! . 

These errors aren’t just a nuisance, they are erroneously costing taxpayers real money and, when we are living in uncertain times, every penny counts.  I know I’m not alone in my views but, most worryingly, I see nothing being done to make anything better.

As businesses we set ourselves service targets. Why should HMRC be  any different? It is a service provider and should be accountable against their KPIs. But, what are those KPIs? 

Until these basic issues are sorted we will all have excessive workloads checking HMRC figures are right as they scurry to catch up. 

After all it should be easy for HMRC. Just:
·      Get your sums right
·      Pay refunds quickly and efficiently
·      Be consistent
·      Improve the telephone service – actually, why not offer a call-back option?
·      Don’t just go for easy (but meaningless) targets 

Listen up Liz Truss and don’t make me come down there……  Remember: David Gauke has had to move job twice to get a safe distance away from MY rolling pin!

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